Chapter Three: Affordability
Cooking at home is a commitment to your health. It is literally taking the power back from the food industry and using the power of your own two hands to heal yourself. We will simplify it, but you will still have to do the work.
By reducing the amount of meat in your diet and cooking at home more often, you will open up space in your food budget for higher quality fresh vegetables and fruits. Here are some tips on shopping, prepping and storing food to make this an affordable way of eating.
•The variety comes week to week, not necessarily day to day
•One meal builds on the last
•Cooking in larger quantities with the idea of repurposing leftovers
•We have to move away from the idea that every meal has to be perfectly composed.
•The focus should be on getting in as many nutrients as possible with each meal.
Insert here about organic, local and seasonal
How to shop to maximize dollars
- Farmer’s Markets
- Seasonal
- Sales: skin-on, bone-in chicken, for example.
- Buying in bulk
How to shop for maximize efficiency:
- Prepared foods; frozen steamed rice
- Frozen vegetables
- Pre-washed greens, vegetables
- Prepared sauces
DON’T FORGET: Read labels and look for no sodium, no preservatives, etc.
How to Store for Maximize Efficiency:
- Freezing
- Using Ziploc bags and paper towels to increase longevity
- Drying herbs when you find them in bulk
- Cooking in big batches